At the rapturous return of Jesus, grace is removed from the earth
because the dead in Christ shall rise first (the first resurrection in
Revelations 20:5-6) and then the alive saints will meet Jesus in the clouds (1
Thessalonians 4:16-17). Grace is a powerful and restraining mystical
force over the whole world which ordered by the Holy Spirit to watch over all
the affairs (2 Thessalonians 2). When this grace is removed, then
all hell breaks loose on the earth. This ushers in
the Dispensation of Wrath, which last for exactly 7 years. This
length of time is parallel to Prophet Daniel's 70th week (Daniel 9:24-27).
It begins immediately after the miraculous scene of the rapture
ends. The left behind inhabitants find themselves much
bewildered and amazed at what happens in a twinkling of the eye. They
will see catastrophe of airplanes falling from the skies and
automobile crashes; however, these will be very limited because there will
be very few true Christians who are still alive when the rapture happens. A
few years prior to the rapture there will be much turmoil in civil governments
all over the world that marginalize the Christians which ultimately very
few fervent ones remain an active participant of Christianity. This
will be a time of false doctrines and turning from the truth to believe lies. There
will be a great falling away (2 Thessalonians 2:3) by the evil deceptions of
Satan. Satan immediately takes over via the anti-Christ for the
first 3-1/2 years of great tribulations.
The anti-Christ (or ante-Christ) is revealed as the
savior of the world. He will be the son of destruction (a lawless
one). He employs tremendous power over all governments and quickly
takes matters into his own hands, plus his top two officers, the false prophet
and the beast (Revelations 20:10) share in the ungodly trinity which
resembles the Holy Trinity but is patently false. The Jews who
remain on the earth will succumb to the anti-Christ by signing a
non-aggression pact to embody a false peace in the world (1 Thessalonians
5:3). They are strangely deceived to partake of this one world
government for 3-1/2 years. They believe he is their Messiah,
The supreme dictator (anti-Christ, being guided by the
great dragon [Satan]) establishes his rules to execute any renegade person for
safety and security of the one world government. The economic power
rests in a free society which ultimately involves super computers and immense
databases for monetary exchanges. There will be a mark, the number
of man (666) placed first on the right hand of all participants, or to the
forehead of anyone who doesn't have a right hand (Revelations
13:16). This will be an encoding and microchip for each
person's bank account to rapidly do transactions without a threat of
larceny. Very effective at reducing crime.
There will remain a minority of true Christians who oppose the
anti-Christ as well as a sealed 144,000 redeemed Jews (12,000 from each
tribe) who do not take the mark. Since grace is gone the
only way for these people to be saved is to die a martyr’s death by
refusing the mark of the beast. But those who take the mark
ultimately forfeit any hope of eternal life in paradise (Revelations
Our great sovereign God permits all Satan's objectives (wrath on
men) for 42 months. The second half of the great tribulation will be
the wrath of God poured out upon the earth from heaven. Since
our sovereign God is always in control of time and events, He will send forth
seven angels to punish mankind of their sins. Evil humans cannot
repent of their sinful deeds. The angles first empty the seven vials
over all creation. Then at the last woe, seven bowls of wrath are
dumped out as the final retribution of God upon all workers of evil. This dispensation
draws to an end when God destroys Babylon, in one hour, with fire
(Revelations 18:8-9). A great cry of wailing rises up to the
sky as evil onlookers fix their eyes upon the burning city. The
woman (Jezebel) has ruined all societies of men with her sexual
immoralities. Finally, Jesus Christ returns to earth to victoriously
claim the proper legal deed of the earth that is rightfully his. Jesus
was the meekest of all, and he will reign supreme with all the meek of the
earth (Matthew 5:5).