After all the wrath,
first from Satan and last from God, is accomplished, the last Dispensation of
Peace prevails upon the earth. This time period is for exactly 1,000
years (millennium). Jesus Christ (Yeshua) returns to earth with his
glorious bride, the faithful Christian Church and sets his feet down on Mount
Olives (from whence he left at the ascension after his resurrection (Acts 1:12 &
Zechariah 14). The mount is divided in two east and west, indicating a
valley formed for the very last battle between Jesus and Satan.
This battle (Armageddon) will be at the end of millennial reign of peace, when Satan is
loosed from the bottomless pit to make war with Jesus.
In spite of the reign of
peace on earth, even with the animals (Isaiah 11), humankind
will still have natural struggles and be inflicted with a sin
nature that causes turmoil in the midst of peace; therefore, the ruler,
Jesus Christ shall rule the nations with a rod of iron (Psalms
2:9, Revelations 2:27, Revelations 12:5, Revelations 19:15). This rod of iron
exactly means powerful but merciful king. He will be KING OF KINGS
and LORD OF LORDS (Revelations 19:16). All kingdoms of the earth
fail away and Yeshua shall reign supremely in Jerusalem (the royal city of
David) over all the earth. He will be the fulfillment of the last
glorious Davidic king, promised to Israel.
Jesus will have
magistrates (elders of Israel) to share in the peaceful kingdom. For
1,000 years there will be peace. The marriage supper of the bride and
bridegroom has come and Jesus, as the groom, will partake in the meal with
his wonderful bride, the beautiful church. A church is a Divine Group of
saved peoples from all nations. The feast will be shared with the 144,000
sealed Jews who became martyrs in the tribulation. All goers must wear a
white robe of pure righteousness garment. There will be some who try to
eat with a spotted robe and the king will toss him into outer
darkness (Matthew 22:10-13).
At the end of the
millennium, Satan is loosed from the bottomless pit and goes out to deceive
people and gather them unto the valley before Jerusalem. Satan attempts
to make war with the saints and Jesus. At last the final Battle of
Armageddon has come (the great and notable day of the Lord). But within
the last final hour of the earth, Satan is defeated tragically and with a horrendous
victory to Jesus and his kingdom simply by calling fire down from heaven
(Zechariah 14:12).
This dispensation ends
with the Great White Throne Judgment (Revelations 20:11-15). Every soul
will be judged by their individual works, whether they are good or bad.
This judgment from God Almighty is a pass/fail judgment; which, meaning
the saved (who have the blood of Christ applied to their heart [Passover]) will
enter into eternal paradise, but the dead (those whose names are not found in the
book) will suffer eternal damnation in hell. Our good works will not save
us [period] but only the blood of Christ which is our imputed righteousness as a
covering for sins. We can be found worthy of good works only for the
rejoicing of saints in heaven.
The new morning dawn of
eternity opens up in view. The great paradise of God.