
Personal study and authored by: Leon Kaeb
Dated: 12/22/2008

Dispensation of Innocence

The Dispensation of Innocence starts with Adam living in the Garden of Eden.  There was perfect harmony between God and man, plus everything else which God created.  Since God is the author of love and peace, he wanted everything that he designed and made to be perfect.  In Genesis 1:31, “and God saw everything that he made, and, behold it was very good.”  
After Adam and Eve lived in the garden awhile, Satan, whom God cast down to earth, appears inside a serpent tempting Eve.  They were allowed to eat anything in the garden except the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden.  That tree was called the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (Genesis 2:15-17).  It wasn’t long until Satan tempted Eve to look at the fruit from that tree.  Then he tempted her to take and eat and she yielded to that.  She gave to Adam and they did both eat.  Then their eyes were opened and they saw that they were naked so they tried to hide from God.  Their innocence ended abruptly with this sin of disobedience.

This dispensation ends in the year 4,285 BC